
For Sale: FedEx Linehaul Routes - 2 Routes - Salt Lake City, Utah


Asking Price

  • Address: Salt Lake City,

  • Status: Active

  • Posting ID: 286376

  • 12/26/24

Salt Lake City FedEx Linehaul Routes - 2 Routes Business For Sale


Asking Price: $350,000 plus the possible $50,000 in vehicle financing and $50,000 in seller financing.

FedEx Linehaul Routes for Sale: Well-established and highly profitable FedEx Linehaul routes. All routes are contiguous, making load sharing among routes efficient. Each business, which is comprised of multiple routes, comes with (1) truck and (1) experienced driver already in place for each route. Business has seen double digit organic growth since inception.

Turnkey and a great opportunity for semi-absentee ownership with full time manager in place. Clean books and financials, including maintenance records for vehicles. This business is ready to generate cash flow on day one. FedEx grows organically as package volume has shown consistent growth each year. FedEx also provides yearly inflation-adjusted revenue enhancements. Average annual growth of over 10%.

Business growth can be accelerated beyond organic growth rate through acquisition of additional routes. Home Based.

To get more information about this FedEx Linehaul Routes - 2 Routes business for sale in Salt Lake City please phone Alex Beringer - BRE License #:02069958 at 415-939-1000 Cell and 415-939-1000 Text - if you get voicemail please leave a detailed message - make sure you mention you saw this posting/ad #286376 on BizBen.com. In addition to phoning Alex Beringer, make sure you email Alex Beringer above to get more info about this FedEx Linehaul Routes - 2 Routes, to ask any questions or request an appointment to see this business for sale. Thank you. License # 02069958. FXG Management.

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  1. Name: Alex Beringer
  2. phone iconPhone: 415-939-1000 Cell
  3. phone iconPhone: 415-939-1000 Text


  1. Asking Price: $350,000.00

  2. Down: Call/Email

  3. Cash Flow: $158,446.00

  4. Revenue:    $515,903.00

  1. Area: Salt Lake City

  2. City: Salt Lake City

  1. Attributes:

    Home BasedTraining & Support

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