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How To Advertise A Business For Sale

Knowing how to advertise a business for sale without revealing too much is an important skill for anyone who wants to find a buyer for a small or mid-sized California business at a good price. One caution about giving too much detail is that it might identify the company and ruin confidentiality.

The process for making a liquor license transfer used to take approximately 55-70 days, but now because of labor shortages and work protocols, it can be up to 3 months in California, for example. The longer an escrow is open, the greater the chance of having it fall out of escrow.

What Not To Do When Searching To Buy Restaurants

Many California small business investors want to buy a restaurant. People always need to eat; there should be plenty of business. And some buyers think there is prestige to owning a popular eating establishment. But it isn't an easy purchase. Here's what not to do when planning to buy a restaurant.

Don't Buy Restaurant Businesses Without Checking The Competition

Looking to buy restaurant businesses? Check out these tips first to avoid getting blindsided when you buy restaurants. Peter Siegel, MBA with BizBen.com discusses this topic.

Possible Lies When Buying A Business

Even without meaning to be dishonest, sellers or brokers talking to someone who wants to buy a small business often make statements that are not true. And sometimes what is said is known to be a lie. The buyer is smart to carefully evaluate what they hear - six untrue statements sometimes told.

Buying A Second Restaurant Location

Start-up costs are typically so high to build a restaurant from scratch that many current owners prefer to look for an existing restaurant that isn't doing so well and customize it as their own - second location. Joe Ranieri gives tips to restaurant owners buying a second location to expand.

John Willingham Business Broker California
John Willingham Business Broker California
Top 5 Industries Of The Future For Business Buyers

To be successful in buying a small business you must be able to look objectively at the company and determine whether or not it is a business that will be able to grow into the future. The key to long term survival is when a business is able to change and grow along with the needs of their consumer.

Starting Or Buying Pop-Up Restaurants

For starters, a pop-up restaurant is a short-lived dining experience in a temporary location, most found in abandoned factories or warehouses, rooftops, barns, or an already existing restaurant location, so basically anywhere done legally and safely. They exist for a few days, weeks or a few months.

How Long Does It Take To Sell Restaurants

This question is bound to come up from a seller to a business broker at one point in their relationship. The truth may discourage a seller who desperately needs to sell, because in all honestly, many times in can take months. All restaurants are different - Joe Ranieri, Business Broker explains.

Life Of A Restaurant Deal

Any deal when selling a business tends to have a life of its own. Joe Ranieri discusses a restaurant deal in Orange County that has had many twists and turns. This article shows what types of issues can and do come up when selling a business or in this case a restaurant.

San Francisco Restaurant Workshop

This live FREE workshop by Cheryl Maloney (San Francisco Business Broker Specialist) is designed for San Francisco restaurant owners who are thinking of selling and would like to know how much their restaurant or bar is worth and how to get it sold successfully. Limited seats, please RSVP via phone.

Cash flow management for small businesses

Cash flow is the lifeblood of any small business. "Cash is king." It's the constant flow of funds in and out of your business that ensures you can meet your financial obligations, pay employees, suppliers, and operating costs, and invest in growth.

Pop Up Restaurants
Pop Up Restaurants
Gas Station with Property for sale

In the realm of commercial real estate investments, the gas station with property stands out as a unique and potentially lucrative opportunity. Beyond merely selling fuel, gas stations have evolved into multifaceted businesses, offering convenience stores, car services, and more.

8 Items Important To Business Buyers

In this month's Business Buyer survey for BizBen.com, we asked participants in our ProBuy Program and 250 other random business buyers what they look for and avoid when looking at a business for sale postings online. Of the 20 potential posting characteristics we asked about, 8 stood out.

Should Sellers And Buyers Start The Training Before Or After Close Of Escrow?

When should the training of the new buyer of the business actually begin? Before escrow, during escrow, or only after the keys of the business are handed over to the new owner of the business. Joe Ranieri (Orange County Business Broker - Restaurant Specialist at 714-292-5448) starts this Discussion.

Buying A Restaurant - What Should I Look For In Due Diligence?

Was chatting with a potential buyer of a restaurant in our BizBen ProBuy Program and he asked me what he should look for in due diligence when he finally did find a restaurant he was interested in. Peter Siegel, MBA with BizBen and others on BizBen explore this topic.

What Are Some Possible Reasons Why My Broker Didn't Sell My Business?

What are some reasons a business that was previously on the market with another broker didn't sell? Every broker or agent understands that not every business they list will result in a sale. There can be many reasons small businesses don't sell and many are discussed on this BizBen Discussion post.

Why Restaurant Buyers Typically Fail: Best Pro Tips For Buying A Restaurant

Buying a small to mid-sized restaurant can have many pitfalls, and potential restaurant buyers should know how to avoid getting burned! Several restaurant advisors weigh in with (Peter Siegel, MBA at BizBen) and discuss tips for buying a restaurant in California.

Business Broker Questionable Practices
Business Broker Questionable Practices
Tips For Restaurant Buyers: How Do You Change A Restaurant Concept?

Joe Ranieri, (Orange County Business Broker) discusses how to convert restaurants: buy an existing inexpensive restaurant and then converting it to another concept. He discusses finding the right location, working with the landlord, notifying existing clients, and observing restaurant trends.

Buying A Restaurant: What Are Things To Consider When Buying A Seasonal Restaurant?

Buying a seasonal small business restaurant can be challenging, but Joe Ranieri a business broker restaurant specialist and others in this BizBen Discussion review multiple ways to offset these factors and still get the most from buying and operating a small to mid-sized seasonal restaurant.

Is Crowd Funding A Viable Way To Raise Money To Buy A Small Business?

We're hearing more and more about "crowd funding" through sites like gofundme and kickstarter as a possible way to raise the cash needed to buy a small business. This method of collecting funds has proven successful in other kinds of situations. Could this strategy work when buying a small business?

Can A Business Seller Back Out Of Escrow If They Simply Change Their Mind?

Can a seller of a small business back out of an ongoing escrow? Probably, yes, it all depends how far along the escrow is, which will dictate how messy things will get for both owner & buyer. Joe Ranieri (Southern California Business Broker) gives his feedback with others on this BizBen Discussion.

What Mistakes Should Serious Business Buyers Avoid?

Every day I speak to business brokers, business owner/sellers and I hear some pretty amazing stories about potential buyers of small businesses. I tend to ask them what buyer traits do you listen for to see of a potential buyer is serious? What traits or buyer actions are "deal killers"?

Is There Such A Thing As A Buyers Broker Or Representative?

Can business buyers actually get full representation from a broker? With 70% of all California brokers not cooperating with each other it may be a good idea to have someone on your side representing your interests. Is buyer representation a reality? ProIntermediaries discuss this topic on BizBen.

Joe Ranieri Business Broker Southern California
Joe Ranieri Business Broker Southern California
Is The Old Adage True: Your First Offer Is The Best Offer - When Selling A Business?

Sometimes business brokers just can't win with their clients, because if an offer comes in too fast & too early then they must have lowballed the price & the seller is suspicious, and if not enough offers come in after putting the business on the market - they may look unproductive to their clients.

Buying A Cheap Business For Sale: How To Find? What To Watch Out For?

Yes, there are ways to find businesses with growth potential that can be purchased with modest investments. But before offering any ideas about finding cheap businesses, it's important to review some of the risks involved. Peter Siegel (BizBen ProBuy Program) discusses this topic with others.

Escrow, Bulk Sale Closing Fees And Costs - What Do They Include?

A couple newer brokers asked me today what thy thought the escrow process costs and if there is a large variation amongst escrow or closing companies when it comes to closing fees? Multiple ProIntermediaries and ProAdvisors discuss this topic on a BizBen Discussion.

What Is The Typical Business Broker Fee? Who Pays It?

Was just asked the question from a business owner what the "typical commission" amount is for a broker and if upfront fees are common? Thought this might be a great Discussion topic on BizBen for both business owner/sellers and potentially for business buyers (buyer representation).