
BizBen Discussions, Comments, Replies About Due Diligence

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Cash Based Businesses: How Do I Confirm Cash Being Represented?

A buyer who I have been consulting with on the BizBen ProBuy Program is looking to buy a liquor store (and possible other "cash" oriented businesses). They asked me how they should verify cash being generated by the business and how to go about conducting due diligence etc.

How Much Should I Expect To Make From A Car Wash Business?

This is a hard question to answer specifically without any knowledge of the business. What kind of car wash it is (auto, self-serve, or full service)?, How many bays does the car wash have? Is there any other streams of revenue? We discuss this topic regarding car washes on this BizBen Discussion.

Buying A Gas Station: What To Look For When Doing Due Diligence

Doing due diligence when buying any type of business is extremely important. Regardless of what type of business you are buying there are certain things you will always look at such as, financials, equipment, legal issues etc. We take a look at several angles for optimal gas station due diligence.

Why Is A Small Business Sale Kept Confidential? How Is That Done?

Recently a business owner asked me on the phone, "Why do you keep the sale of a business confidential? How do you keep the sale confidential - any good tips?" Would like to hear from other Members - what would be your answer to this business owner? ProIntermediaries on BizBen discuss this topic.

Seller Doesn't Have Recent Financial Figures: What Should I Do?

The owner selling the business doesn't have recent financial information or documentation but insists revenues are increasing. Should buyers believe the seller? What should buyers do in this situation? ProIntermediaries on BizBen answer the question of verifying seller / owner's financial claims.

Should Sellers Of Small Businesses Give Potential Buyers Their Tax Returns?

Should small business owners/sellers or brokers/agents give potential buyers direct access to past company tax returns and financials (profit & loss statements) either before or pre the due diligence process? Multiple ProIntermediaries and ProAdvisors discuss this topic on this BizBen Discussion.

Business Broker Questionable Practices
Business Broker Questionable Practices
Seller Asks: How Long Should I Wait For The Buyer To Do Their Due Diligence?

Business buyers many times ask in my ProBuy consulting sessions - how long should I ask for due-diligence when buying a small business? The answer really depends on several factors. They include: type of business, demand for the business, complexity of the business. Advisors weigh in on this topic.

Successful Liquor Store Buyer: Shares His Liquor Store Buying Tips

Buying a liquor store can present some major challenges to business buyers - a recent client on the BizBen ProBuy Program relates to Peter Siegel, MBA what the major challenges may be when searching for and buying a Californa liquor store business. I welcome other Advisors to weigh in on this topic.

At What Point Do You Show Key Marketing Info And Materials To Buyers?

At What Point Do You Show Key Marketing Info And Materials To Buyers? Robb Hartman, Business Broker at BizBen discusses this topic with others on this BizBen Discussion.

Buying A Restaurant - What Should I Look For In Due Diligence?

Was chatting with a potential buyer of a restaurant in our BizBen ProBuy Program and he asked me what he should look for in due diligence when he finally did find a restaurant he was interested in. Peter Siegel, MBA with BizBen and others on BizBen explore this topic.

Due Diligence For Manufacturing Businesses

I would like to start this discussion and see what other BizBen Users feel about (and possible contribute to this list via a comment and replies below) what items/questions/information buyers should be thinking about during the due diligence and buying process of manufacturing related businesses.

Mani Singh Business Broker
Mani Singh Business Broker
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