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Selling A Business Online

Selling a business online, while often effective for finding the right buyer, is a strategy sellers need to execute correctly in order to be successful. That means avoiding the six common mistakes made by sellers. Peter Siegel, BizBen Founder talks about what it takes to effectively sell a business.

How To Create A Business Plan

A business plan is a living document that should serve several purposes for your business. When you are buying a small business, a business plan will assist you in obtaining business purchase financing by showing lenders and investors how you plan to repay their loan by running a profitable company.

Possible Lies When Buying A Business

Even without meaning to be dishonest, sellers or brokers talking to someone who wants to buy a small business often make statements that are not true. And sometimes what is said is known to be a lie. The buyer is smart to carefully evaluate what they hear - six untrue statements sometimes told.

Qualifying Business Buyers

Lee Petsas, a Southern California business broker addresses how he handles potential business buyers when they request information on a business for sale listing. He gives his strategies and tips for handling and directing business buyer inquiries.

Determine Whether Business Buyer Is Sincere

A problem owners encounter when offering a California business for sale is that not all so-called buyers are qualified to make the purchase. It's frustrating and costly to waste time showing non-qualified buyers the business. Here are ways to identify time wasters so the focus is on real buyers.

Agents To Sell Business Listings

Owners often ask agents to sell business offerings for them. It's usually more difficult than selling houses when working to find a buyer for a business, to satisfy contingencies and close escrow. Business sales intermediaries either agents or brokers may want large fees, but often are worth it.

John Willingham Business Broker California
John Willingham Business Broker California
Checklist When Selling A California Small Business

When selling a California business, owners should use our salability checklist to determine whether the effort will be successful. Ten factors must be considered to properly prepare a business for sale. Three of the factors account for more than 50% probability of achieving success in selling!

Top 5 Industries Of The Future For Business Buyers

To be successful in buying a small business you must be able to look objectively at the company and determine whether or not it is a business that will be able to grow into the future. The key to long term survival is when a business is able to change and grow along with the needs of their consumer.

Inventory And The Price For A Retail Related Business

A business buyer in the BizBen ProBuy Program asks how to handle the inventory amount in the purchase price of a business. Other questions answered in this article: Do you add the inventory value to the business value? Should the owner be expected to take back a note for the value of the inventory?

Interpreting Reported Earnings

Peter Siegel, MBA Founder of BizBen and the BizBen ProBuy, ProSell Programs discusses interpreting reported earnings from sellers through tax returns, financial statements and other means when buying a small to mid-sized California small business.

Baby Boomers And Their Effect On California Small Business Sales

Each day, more than 10,000 Baby Boomers turn 62. Around this age, Americans, many of which are small business owners, start to think about their exit strategy from the workforce. For a small business owner, the process can be complex and their decision to retire has an impact on many others.

Business Purchase Financing Without Collateral

In my experience working with the "right banks and financial institutions" repayment ability sometimes overrules collateral pledged by someone needing financing for a business purchase or a down payment. Peter Siegel, MBA - BizBen's ProBuy, ProSell Lead Facilitator explores this important topic.

Escrow Services California
Escrow Services California
SBA Loan News From Peter Siegel

Fees charged borrowers of SBA-backed loans to purchase or to expand small businesses will continue to be waived or reduced through the next fiscal year. The benefits were set to expire at the end of last month. SBA administrator says the move helps to support underserved small business communities.

Sellers Discretionary Cash Add Backs Analysis

The use of add backs & sellers discretionary cash is common among sellers of businesses when showing their financial information & explaining that the buyer will actually enjoy more profit than is shown. But buyers are cautioned to review documents closely. Peter Siegel, MBA with BizBen explains.

Seller Asks: How Long Should I Wait For The Buyer To Do Their Due Diligence?

Business buyers many times ask in my ProBuy consulting sessions - how long should I ask for due-diligence when buying a small business? The answer really depends on several factors. They include: type of business, demand for the business, complexity of the business. Advisors weigh in on this topic.

Why Isn't My Business Selling? 6 Questions To Ask Yourself To Find The Answer

It can take months, sometimes longer to sell a small business. Here are 6 questions plus other information from myself plus other BizBen Users to ask yourself to help you determine why your small to mid-sized California business isn't selling. You might be surprised what those reasons are!

Is There Such A Thing As Paying Too Little When Buying A Small Business?

We all understand the idea of paying too much for a small business. But is there such a thing as not paying enough? That seems like an odd notion, but I'm familiar with situations in which a buyer acquired a small business for a figure substantially under what probably was market value.

Should I Buy A Small Business That is Losing Money?

When considering buying a business that is losing money one has to be very careful. There are reasons that the business could be losing money that aren't fatal or extremely difficult to fix and there are other reasons that should send you running in the other direction. Peter Siegel, MBA explains.

Pop Up Restaurants
Pop Up Restaurants
Pocket Listings - Vast Hidden Market Or Myth With Buyers And Sellers?

What percentage of businesses for sale that are advertised and/or sold are pocket listings? What is the best way to find out about pocket listings? Are they advertised? Are they a big part of the businesses sold marketplace? In this Discussion ProIntermediaries and ProAdvisors discuss this topic.

What Types Of Buyers Will Be Interested In Buying My Business?

I often get asked by owners who are looking to sell their business about what type of buyers they should expect to encounter during the sales process. The answer depends on the type of business being sold, but in general there are several different types of buyers that could be encountered.

How And When To Speak With Employees About A Business Sale

A huge part of any exit strategy is properly planning for that moment in time when employees find out the business is for sale or, preferably, has been sold. Your workers have been kept in the dark for as long as possible. Some won't be a bit surprised. Others may be devastated.

Going Behind A Brokers Back: How Does A Broker Protect Themself?

What are some ways a broker can prevent a buyer and seller from doing a deal behind their back and what to do about it if it happens? Joe Ranieri (Orange County Business Broker) discusses ways a business broker or agent can protect themselves from buyers and sellers trying to circumvent them.

As A Business Buyer What Questions Should I Ask The Seller?

Asking the seller straightforward questions and getting straightforward answers in return is an important part of the buying and due diligence process. In this Discussion, both ProIntermediaries and Advisors offer thorough questions you should be asking during your meeting with a business seller.

Brokers Not Returning My Calls/Emails: How Do I Get Them To Get Back To Me?

There can be many reasons why Brokers take awhile to get back to potential Buyer & to other Brokers and Agents if they are cooperating on the listing. Broker's reasons include: unprofessionalism, too busy, the listing is no longer available, the buyer doesn't sound viable, etc. We discuss them all.

Laundry Trends Chuck Post
Laundry Trends Chuck Post
Top 5 Reasons Why Businesses For Sale Fall Out Of Escrow

50% of all California small business for sale transactions fail to complete. Why do businesses for sale fall out of escrow? Joel Miller (a senior care business specialist) discusses his 5 top reason why businesses fall out escrow along with other brokers, advisors on this BizBen Discussion.

Is There Such A Thing As A Buyers Broker Or Representative?

Can business buyers actually get full representation from a broker? With 70% of all California brokers not cooperating with each other it may be a good idea to have someone on your side representing your interests. Is buyer representation a reality? ProIntermediaries discuss this topic on BizBen.

I am Selling A Small Business - How Do I Qualify Potential Buyers?

Being prepared when potential buyers contact you about your business for sale is a good idea. Too many sellers (and brokers) are unprepared & miss good opportunities or get involved with unqualified buyers. This Discussion post and answers from ProIntermediaries on BizBen assist with this issue.

What Is The Typical Business Broker Fee? Who Pays It?

Was just asked the question from a business owner what the "typical commission" amount is for a broker and if upfront fees are common? Thought this might be a great Discussion topic on BizBen for both business owner/sellers and potentially for business buyers (buyer representation).