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Selling A Business Online

Selling a business online, while often effective for finding the right buyer, is a strategy sellers need to execute correctly in order to be successful. That means avoiding the six common mistakes made by sellers. Peter Siegel, BizBen Founder talks about what it takes to effectively sell a business.

How To Buy A Business With No Money Down

In The New Economy that we are buying and selling and businesses in, finding funding can be the most challenging part of a sale. Many buyers will have limited funding and need to finance a good portion of the sale but what happens when a buyer has NO money? Peter Siegel with BizBen explains how.

Restaurant And Fast Food Franchises

Restaurant franchise offerings are among the most popular of the business types potential business buyers seek. What many would-be owners don't realize is that there are specific tips for buying fast food or restaurant franchises that don't necessarily apply to independent restaurants for sale.

How Long Does It Take To Sell Restaurants

This question is bound to come up from a seller to a business broker at one point in their relationship. The truth may discourage a seller who desperately needs to sell, because in all honestly, many times in can take months. All restaurants are different - Joe Ranieri, Business Broker explains.

Baby Boomers And Their Effect On California Small Business Sales

Each day, more than 10,000 Baby Boomers turn 62. Around this age, Americans, many of which are small business owners, start to think about their exit strategy from the workforce. For a small business owner, the process can be complex and their decision to retire has an impact on many others.

Life Of A Restaurant Deal

Any deal when selling a business tends to have a life of its own. Joe Ranieri discusses a restaurant deal in Orange County that has had many twists and turns. This article shows what types of issues can and do come up when selling a business or in this case a restaurant.

Why Deals Fail Blog Post
Why Deals Fail Blog Post
Buying A Second Restaurant Location

Start-up costs are typically so high to build a restaurant from scratch that many current owners prefer to look for an existing restaurant that isn't doing so well and customize it as their own - second location. Joe Ranieri gives tips to restaurant owners buying a second location to expand.

Possible Lies When Buying A Business

Even without meaning to be dishonest, sellers or brokers talking to someone who wants to buy a small business often make statements that are not true. And sometimes what is said is known to be a lie. The buyer is smart to carefully evaluate what they hear - six untrue statements sometimes told.

What Not To Do When Searching To Buy Restaurants

Many California small business investors want to buy a restaurant. People always need to eat; there should be plenty of business. And some buyers think there is prestige to owning a popular eating establishment. But it isn't an easy purchase. Here's what not to do when planning to buy a restaurant.

Checklist When Selling A California Small Business

When selling a California business, owners should use our salability checklist to determine whether the effort will be successful. Ten factors must be considered to properly prepare a business for sale. Three of the factors account for more than 50% probability of achieving success in selling!

Restaurant Buyers Overspending

Nothing can be more exciting, and a little daunting for a new owner than finally being handed over the keys to their newly owned restaurant. Many buyers, especially those who have never been business owners before are much too eager to make the restaurant "their own". Overspending can take place.

Qualifying Business Buyers

Lee Petsas, a Southern California business broker addresses how he handles potential business buyers when they request information on a business for sale listing. He gives his strategies and tips for handling and directing business buyer inquiries.

Michael Brewer ABC License Consultant
Michael Brewer ABC License Consultant
Top 5 Industries Of The Future For Business Buyers

To be successful in buying a small business you must be able to look objectively at the company and determine whether or not it is a business that will be able to grow into the future. The key to long term survival is when a business is able to change and grow along with the needs of their consumer.

Agents To Sell Business Listings

Owners often ask agents to sell business offerings for them. It's usually more difficult than selling houses when working to find a buyer for a business, to satisfy contingencies and close escrow. Business sales intermediaries either agents or brokers may want large fees, but often are worth it.

Should Sellers And Buyers Start The Training Before Or After Close Of Escrow?

When should the training of the new buyer of the business actually begin? Before escrow, during escrow, or only after the keys of the business are handed over to the new owner of the business. Joe Ranieri (Orange County Business Broker - Restaurant Specialist at 714-292-5448) starts this Discussion.

Tips For Restaurant Buyers: How Do You Change A Restaurant Concept?

Joe Ranieri, (Orange County Business Broker) discusses how to convert restaurants: buy an existing inexpensive restaurant and then converting it to another concept. He discusses finding the right location, working with the landlord, notifying existing clients, and observing restaurant trends.

Buying A Restaurant: What Are Things To Consider When Buying A Seasonal Restaurant?

Buying a seasonal small business restaurant can be challenging, but Joe Ranieri a business broker restaurant specialist and others in this BizBen Discussion review multiple ways to offset these factors and still get the most from buying and operating a small to mid-sized seasonal restaurant.

Why Restaurant Buyers Typically Fail: Best Pro Tips For Buying A Restaurant

Buying a small to mid-sized restaurant can have many pitfalls, and potential restaurant buyers should know how to avoid getting burned! Several restaurant advisors weigh in with (Peter Siegel, MBA at BizBen) and discuss tips for buying a restaurant in California.

SBA Loans Advisor
SBA Loans Advisor
How Do I Prepare My Restaurant To Sell Amongst Mandatory Minimum Wage Hikes?

A point of back ground, back in 2016, California Governor Jerry Brown signed into law an increase to the state minimum wage from $10 to $15 per hour. The increase is gradual and goes up about a dollar a year and maxes out at $15 an hour in 2022. Here is some advice in handling this new increase.

Buying A Restaurant - What Should I Look For In Due Diligence?

Was chatting with a potential buyer of a restaurant in our BizBen ProBuy Program and he asked me what he should look for in due diligence when he finally did find a restaurant he was interested in. Peter Siegel, MBA with BizBen and others on BizBen explore this topic.

What Are Some Possible Reasons Why My Broker Didn't Sell My Business?

What are some reasons a business that was previously on the market with another broker didn't sell? Every broker or agent understands that not every business they list will result in a sale. There can be many reasons small businesses don't sell and many are discussed on this BizBen Discussion post.

Buying A Cheap Business For Sale: How To Find? What To Watch Out For?

Yes, there are ways to find businesses with growth potential that can be purchased with modest investments. But before offering any ideas about finding cheap businesses, it's important to review some of the risks involved. Peter Siegel (BizBen ProBuy Program) discusses this topic with others.

Cash Based Businesses: How Do I Confirm Cash Being Represented?

A buyer who I have been consulting with on the BizBen ProBuy Program is looking to buy a liquor store (and possible other "cash" oriented businesses). They asked me how they should verify cash being generated by the business and how to go about conducting due diligence etc.

I am Selling A Small Business - How Do I Qualify Potential Buyers?

Being prepared when potential buyers contact you about your business for sale is a good idea. Too many sellers (and brokers) are unprepared & miss good opportunities or get involved with unqualified buyers. This Discussion post and answers from ProIntermediaries on BizBen assist with this issue.

John Willingham Business Broker California
John Willingham Business Broker California
SBA Loans To Buy A Business: What Are Some Common Myths?

When seeking SBA loan financing many potential business buyers have wrong information about the process of securing the best financing to buy a business. Peter Siegel, MBA a business purchase financing expert delves into the myths regarding SBA financing and business purchase financing.

Seller Doesn't Have Recent Financial Figures: What Should I Do?

The owner selling the business doesn't have recent financial information or documentation but insists revenues are increasing. Should buyers believe the seller? What should buyers do in this situation? ProIntermediaries on BizBen answer the question of verifying seller / owner's financial claims.

What Is The Difference Between An LOI And A Purchase Agreement?

Was discussing this question/topic with a potential restaurant buyer the other day about the differences between a Letter Of Intent and a Business Purchase Agreement. I sell restaurants and buyers typically get ask about which document they should submit when making an offer on a business.

Is The Old Adage True: Your First Offer Is The Best Offer - When Selling A Business?

Sometimes business brokers just can't win with their clients, because if an offer comes in too fast & too early then they must have lowballed the price & the seller is suspicious, and if not enough offers come in after putting the business on the market - they may look unproductive to their clients.