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Baby Boomers And Their Effect On California Small Business Sales

Each day, more than 10,000 Baby Boomers turn 62. Around this age, Americans, many of which are small business owners, start to think about their exit strategy from the workforce. For a small business owner, the process can be complex and their decision to retire has an impact on many others.

Inventory And The Price For A Retail Related Business

A business buyer in the BizBen ProBuy Program asks how to handle the inventory amount in the purchase price of a business. Other questions answered in this article: Do you add the inventory value to the business value? Should the owner be expected to take back a note for the value of the inventory?

Allocation Of The Purchase Price

There are a handful of key asset categories in allocating or breaking down the purchase price allocation of a business sale. The allocation is required to complete the transaction. Lee Petsas, a Southern California business broker reviews this topic in detail for buyers and sellers of businesses.

Checklist When Selling A California Small Business

When selling a California business, owners should use our salability checklist to determine whether the effort will be successful. Ten factors must be considered to properly prepare a business for sale. Three of the factors account for more than 50% probability of achieving success in selling!

Qualifying Business Buyers

Lee Petsas, a Southern California business broker addresses how he handles potential business buyers when they request information on a business for sale listing. He gives his strategies and tips for handling and directing business buyer inquiries.

San Francisco Restaurant Workshop

This live FREE workshop by Cheryl Maloney (San Francisco Business Broker Specialist) is designed for San Francisco restaurant owners who are thinking of selling and would like to know how much their restaurant or bar is worth and how to get it sold successfully. Limited seats, please RSVP via phone.

Escrow Services California
Escrow Services California
Buy Liquor Store Businesses Tips

When on your search to buy liquor store businesses, consider additional ways that you may use the location to generate additional revenue streams. Peter Siegel, MBA with BizBen.com discusses buying California liquor stores.

7 Steps To Buying A Liquor Store

Unlike many small businesses, due to strict regulations there are many steps that you must take before you can consider buying a liquor store. Peter Siegel with BizBen discusses the seven steps will put you on the right track to buy a liquor store legally.

How To Advertise A Business For Sale

Knowing how to advertise a business for sale without revealing too much is an important skill for anyone who wants to find a buyer for a small or mid-sized California business at a good price. One caution about giving too much detail is that it might identify the company and ruin confidentiality.

Interpreting Reported Earnings

Peter Siegel, MBA Founder of BizBen and the BizBen ProBuy, ProSell Programs discusses interpreting reported earnings from sellers through tax returns, financial statements and other means when buying a small to mid-sized California small business.

How Long Does It Take To Sell Restaurants

This question is bound to come up from a seller to a business broker at one point in their relationship. The truth may discourage a seller who desperately needs to sell, because in all honestly, many times in can take months. All restaurants are different - Joe Ranieri, Business Broker explains.

Life Of A Restaurant Deal

Any deal when selling a business tends to have a life of its own. Joe Ranieri discusses a restaurant deal in Orange County that has had many twists and turns. This article shows what types of issues can and do come up when selling a business or in this case a restaurant.

Why Deals Fail Blog Post
Why Deals Fail Blog Post
A Checklist For Business Buyers

7-Eleven franchises are one of the biggest names in the convenience store industry. Established in 1927, there are now more than 8,500 7-Eleven franchises across the U.S. & Canada giving them a substantial portion of market share. So with so many locations, is a 7-Eleven franchise a good investment?

The process for making a liquor license transfer used to take approximately 55-70 days, but now because of labor shortages and work protocols, it can be up to 3 months in California, for example. The longer an escrow is open, the greater the chance of having it fall out of escrow.

Buying A Liquor Store - When Do I Perform The Inventory Count?

The only time to get an exact and accurate inventory count, and valuation, is at the time the business is being transferred. To do so beforehand, would mean that any merchandise sold after inventory is taken, but before close of escrow - Peter Siegel, MBA with BizBen & others discuss this topic.

What Are Some Tips On Buying A Butcher Shop, Meat Market?

Butcher shops, once a vestige, are increasingly becoming popular again in many metropolitan and suburban cities. In this Discussion Post on BizBen, Joe Ranieri (Orange County & LA County Business Broker) discusses various issues of buying a butcher shop and what that entails for business buyers.

Buying A Cheap Business For Sale: How To Find? What To Watch Out For?

Yes, there are ways to find businesses with growth potential that can be purchased with modest investments. But before offering any ideas about finding cheap businesses, it's important to review some of the risks involved. Peter Siegel (BizBen ProBuy Program) discusses this topic with others.

Who Really Represents The Business Buyer? Does Dual Agency Work?

Who really represents the buyer? The selling broker or agent through dual agency? Many brokers and agents weigh in on this Discussion on BizBen. Bottomline is all business buyers need to know who really represents them and has their best interest at heart when seeking and negotiating on deals.

Back Up Offers Crucial When Buying Or Selling
Back Up Offers Crucial When Buying Or Selling
Is There Such A Thing As A Buyers Broker Or Representative?

Can business buyers actually get full representation from a broker? With 70% of all California brokers not cooperating with each other it may be a good idea to have someone on your side representing your interests. Is buyer representation a reality? ProIntermediaries discuss this topic on BizBen.

Absentee Run Small Businesses - Is That Really A Possibility?

It seems like these days that's all I hear from buyers in the BizBen ProBuy Program is they want a absentee or semi-absentee business to buy. I understand why, but most buyers don't understand how difficult that is to accomplish this feat successfully. I address this with other Advisors on BizBen.

Escrow, Bulk Sale Closing Fees And Costs - What Do They Include?

A couple newer brokers asked me today what thy thought the escrow process costs and if there is a large variation amongst escrow or closing companies when it comes to closing fees? Multiple ProIntermediaries and ProAdvisors discuss this topic on a BizBen Discussion.

Any Advice Or Best Practices When Selling A Business, Avoiding Lawsuits?

A seller just posed this question to me in a BizBen ProSell session. Any feedback for this business owner, potential seller? I would like to hear some feedback from my fellow BBNers on this topic. Make sure you're comfortable with the person with whom you are dealing.

What Qualities Should I Look For In A Escrow, Bulk Sale Service?

What qualities should you look for in a escrow and bulk sale service when buying/selling a business? I often get asked this question by other brokers and business sellers. See what I tell others and what other BizBen Advisors have to say on this topic in this Discussion.

Seller Doesn't Have Recent Financial Figures: What Should I Do?

The owner selling the business doesn't have recent financial information or documentation but insists revenues are increasing. Should buyers believe the seller? What should buyers do in this situation? ProIntermediaries on BizBen answer the question of verifying seller / owner's financial claims.

SAM Math Learning Franchises For Sale
SAM Math Learning Franchises For Sale
Is Crowd Funding A Viable Way To Raise Money To Buy A Small Business?

We're hearing more and more about "crowd funding" through sites like gofundme and kickstarter as a possible way to raise the cash needed to buy a small business. This method of collecting funds has proven successful in other kinds of situations. Could this strategy work when buying a small business?

Is The Inventory Amount Added To The Selling Price? Or Is It Included In The Selling Price?

Many factors determine whether inventory is included in the asking price. Among them are: the standard for that particular industry or type of business, the quality and age of the inventory, whether the inventory levels are cyclical, whether the inventory is the normal amount, etc. BizBen Discussion

Can A Business Seller Back Out Of Escrow If They Simply Change Their Mind?

Can a seller of a small business back out of an ongoing escrow? Probably, yes, it all depends how far along the escrow is, which will dictate how messy things will get for both owner & buyer. Joe Ranieri (Southern California Business Broker) gives his feedback with others on this BizBen Discussion.

Going Behind A Brokers Back: How Does A Broker Protect Themself?

What are some ways a broker can prevent a buyer and seller from doing a deal behind their back and what to do about it if it happens? Joe Ranieri (Orange County Business Broker) discusses ways a business broker or agent can protect themselves from buyers and sellers trying to circumvent them.