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Qualifying Business Buyers

Lee Petsas, a Southern California business broker addresses how he handles potential business buyers when they request information on a business for sale listing. He gives his strategies and tips for handling and directing business buyer inquiries.

When To Sell Your Business Timing

Determining the right time to sell a private business is as much an art as a science, because there are so many factors at play and each business is unique. The timing of a business sale is critical. Christina Lazuric, CBI, Orange County Business Broker discusses this topic on this BizBen Blog post.

Determine Whether Business Buyer Is Sincere

A problem owners encounter when offering a California business for sale is that not all so-called buyers are qualified to make the purchase. It's frustrating and costly to waste time showing non-qualified buyers the business. Here are ways to identify time wasters so the focus is on real buyers.

Interpreting Reported Earnings

Peter Siegel, MBA Founder of BizBen and the BizBen ProBuy, ProSell Programs discusses interpreting reported earnings from sellers through tax returns, financial statements and other means when buying a small to mid-sized California small business.

How To Create A Business Plan

A business plan is a living document that should serve several purposes for your business. When you are buying a small business, a business plan will assist you in obtaining business purchase financing by showing lenders and investors how you plan to repay their loan by running a profitable company.

Baby Boomers And Their Effect On California Small Business Sales

Each day, more than 10,000 Baby Boomers turn 62. Around this age, Americans, many of which are small business owners, start to think about their exit strategy from the workforce. For a small business owner, the process can be complex and their decision to retire has an impact on many others.

Business Broker Questionable Practices
Business Broker Questionable Practices
Stock Sale VS Asset Sale For Business Buyers

Many times when buying a business there are reasons why buying stock or buying assets is the better business decision. We explore these options on the BizBen Blog Post of which option may be better depending on the circumstances of the buyer (and seller) involved in the transaction taking place.

Buying A Business Commercial Real Estate

When buying a business you may also have the option to buy the building it occupies. There are advantages and disadvantages to owning commercial property. In order to determine whether or not you should buy the property that comes with a business purchase, here are a few questions to ask yourself.

Avoid These Errors When Selling A Business

Recognizing that 70% of the California small and mid-market-sized businesses offered to buyers are never sold, and that some of the obvious reasons - over-pricing, inadequate records, insufficient lease - have been discussed in detail, it might be useful to point out lesser known problems.

Unreported Cash

Should owners who offer a business for sale reveal to prospective buyers any income that is not recorded in the books? This is a controversial topic with arguments both for and against. Most business sales intermediaries believe if you don't pay tax on it, you can't claim it. Some sellers disagree.

Buy A Business Or Start From Scratch

Some entrepreneurs believe it's better to start a business from scratch rather than buy an existing enterprise. While this may be good advice in some cases, usually it's not the best strategy. Here are five tips to help a buyer make the right decision from Peter Siegel, MBA On BizBen.

Uncover Hidden Problems In Due Diligence

Most everyone who's decided to buy a small business in California knows the importance of due diligence. That involves close examination of a business prior to removing contingencies. But not everyone knows how to uncover problems that are not obvious. Here are five of the most common hidden issues.

Chuck Post Laundry Book
Chuck Post Laundry Book
Cost of restaurant ownership

Owning a restaurant is a dream for many, but the journey from concept to reality involves various financial, logistical, and lifestyle considerations. Before you embark on this serious business adventure, it's essential to understand the costs, risks, and benefits of buying a restaurant in USA.

First Impressions When Selling A Business

First impressions are critical when selling a business - ask any potential business buyer. Peter Siegel, Founder Of BizBen explains why all potential small business sellers need to make sure that first impression is a good one.

How Long Is A Standard Non-Compete Agreement?

For those who don't know, a non-compete agreement is a contract between a buyer and seller of a business, which after the sale, prohibits the seller from engaging in direct competition with the business they previously sold. Joe Ranieri (Business Broker) adds this topic to a BizBen Discussion Post.

What Is The Difference Between An LOI And A Purchase Agreement?

Was discussing this question/topic with a potential restaurant buyer the other day about the differences between a Letter Of Intent and a Business Purchase Agreement. I sell restaurants and buyers typically get ask about which document they should submit when making an offer on a business.

Should I Buy A Small Business That is Losing Money?

When considering buying a business that is losing money one has to be very careful. There are reasons that the business could be losing money that aren't fatal or extremely difficult to fix and there are other reasons that should send you running in the other direction. Peter Siegel, MBA explains.

Should A Buyer Be Allowed To Operate A Business Before Escrow Closes?

Business buyers, brokers, owner/sellers all ask this question at some point. So I decided to ask some of the top Intermediaries in the marketplace what they thought of the idea. Most of the ProIntermediaries on BizBen agreed with me on taking early possession before the close of escrow.

Should Sellers Give Tax Returns To Buyers
Should Sellers Give Tax Returns To Buyers
Seller Doesn't Have Recent Financial Figures: What Should I Do?

The owner selling the business doesn't have recent financial information or documentation but insists revenues are increasing. Should buyers believe the seller? What should buyers do in this situation? ProIntermediaries on BizBen answer the question of verifying seller / owner's financial claims.

Any Advice Or Best Practices When Selling A Business, Avoiding Lawsuits?

A seller just posed this question to me in a BizBen ProSell session. Any feedback for this business owner, potential seller? I would like to hear some feedback from my fellow BBNers on this topic. Make sure you're comfortable with the person with whom you are dealing.

Is The Old Adage True: Your First Offer Is The Best Offer - When Selling A Business?

Sometimes business brokers just can't win with their clients, because if an offer comes in too fast & too early then they must have lowballed the price & the seller is suspicious, and if not enough offers come in after putting the business on the market - they may look unproductive to their clients.

Selling My Small Business: What Should I Have Ready To Be Successful?

When selling a small to mid-sized business, owners should have their paperwork and financial information ready to go! They should also have a short business plan of past history, current operations, and potential for the future. In this BizBen Discussion several advisors and intermediaries weigh in.

Going Behind A Brokers Back: How Does A Broker Protect Themself?

What are some ways a broker can prevent a buyer and seller from doing a deal behind their back and what to do about it if it happens? Joe Ranieri (Orange County Business Broker) discusses ways a business broker or agent can protect themselves from buyers and sellers trying to circumvent them.

Buying A Cheap Business For Sale: How To Find? What To Watch Out For?

Yes, there are ways to find businesses with growth potential that can be purchased with modest investments. But before offering any ideas about finding cheap businesses, it's important to review some of the risks involved. Peter Siegel (BizBen ProBuy Program) discusses this topic with others.

John Willingham Business Broker California
John Willingham Business Broker California
Uncooperative Brokers, Owners: Getting Tax Returns & Details Before Submitting An Offer

Many business buyers complain to me about business intermediaries not getting any financial information about the business they may be interested in purchasing. There are multiple reasons for this but I agree that financial information should be readily be available to interested buyers upfront.

Escrow, Bulk Sale Closing Fees And Costs - What Do They Include?

A couple newer brokers asked me today what thy thought the escrow process costs and if there is a large variation amongst escrow or closing companies when it comes to closing fees? Multiple ProIntermediaries and ProAdvisors discuss this topic on a BizBen Discussion.

How Does A Company's Culture Effect The Sale Of A Small Business?

When purchasing a small to mid-szied business, there are a multitude of things to evaluate. One area that is often overlooked is the business's culture. Peter Siegel, MBA with BizBen discusses with potential buyers the importance of understanding how the business runs on a day-to-day basis.

How Do I Navigate Through The Negotiation Process When Buying A Business?

Negotiating the terms of a business deal is a delicate process, where one wrong move can cost you the business that you wanted to purchase. Peter Siegel, MBA (BizBen ProBuy Program) discusses the ins and outs of negotiations, and how to work well with the seller to get a deal done.