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As A Business Buyer What Questions Should I Ask The Seller?

Asking the seller straightforward questions and getting straightforward answers in return is an important part of the buying and due diligence process. In this Discussion, both ProIntermediaries and Advisors offer thorough questions you should be asking during your meeting with a business seller.

I am Selling A Small Business - How Do I Qualify Potential Buyers?

Being prepared when potential buyers contact you about your business for sale is a good idea. Too many sellers (and brokers) are unprepared & miss good opportunities or get involved with unqualified buyers. This Discussion post and answers from ProIntermediaries on BizBen assist with this issue.

What Is The Difference Between An LOI And A Purchase Agreement?

Was discussing this question/topic with a potential restaurant buyer the other day about the differences between a Letter Of Intent and a Business Purchase Agreement. I sell restaurants and buyers typically get ask about which document they should submit when making an offer on a business.

What Factors Contribute To Coin And Card Laundry Business Valuations?

We are finding that many laundry buyers and investors are not being given true light to selected elements of value or there are inconsistencies in the interpretation of these elements of value. This common error needs to be addressed. In this BizBen Discussion we address many of those factors.

Is Cash Flow Critical If Requesting A Business Acquisition Loan?

Applying for a business acquisition loan can be challenging for someone who hasn't been through that process in the past. If one has a mortgage one knows that the value of the property being pledged has to at least equal the amount of the loan, SBA loans to buy a small business are very different.

Michael Brewer ABC License Consultant
Michael Brewer ABC License Consultant
Is This A Good Time To Buy A Laundry Business?

How does the laundromat business look as we enter this changing environment? Is it still as easy to operate a laundry and be profitable? Is it still the American Dream Business that it has been known to be? Yes, but… Chuck Post, Laundry Advisor & Consultant initiates this BizBen Discussion post.

Is There Such A Thing As A Buyers Broker Or Representative?

Can business buyers actually get full representation from a broker? With 70% of all California brokers not cooperating with each other it may be a good idea to have someone on your side representing your interests. Is buyer representation a reality? ProIntermediaries discuss this topic on BizBen.

Any Tips On Buying An Ice Cream Shop?

Ice cream shops are a favorite with buyers of small businesses, but many times don't know what to look for when seeking a purchase of a shop. Joe Ranieri and other intermediaries and advisors share their experience and expertise to potential ice cream shop owners. Explore these tips to learn more.

Any Tips On Buying A Dog Grooming Business?

Is a dog grooming business for you? Business broker Joe Ranieri ponders this question with BizBen viewers and answers this question along with other intermediaries and advisors. Some replies cover: brick and mortar vs. mobile, licenses & certifications, maintaining and growing a clientel, etc.

Cash Based Businesses: How Do I Confirm Cash Being Represented?

A buyer who I have been consulting with on the BizBen ProBuy Program is looking to buy a liquor store (and possible other "cash" oriented businesses). They asked me how they should verify cash being generated by the business and how to go about conducting due diligence etc.

Should I Buy A Small Business That is Losing Money?

When considering buying a business that is losing money one has to be very careful. There are reasons that the business could be losing money that aren't fatal or extremely difficult to fix and there are other reasons that should send you running in the other direction. Peter Siegel, MBA explains.

Laundry Trends Chuck Post
Laundry Trends Chuck Post
What Are Some Possible Reasons Why My Broker Didn't Sell My Business?

What are some reasons a business that was previously on the market with another broker didn't sell? Every broker or agent understands that not every business they list will result in a sale. There can be many reasons small businesses don't sell and many are discussed on this BizBen Discussion post.

Brokers Not Returning My Calls/Emails: How Do I Get Them To Get Back To Me?

There can be many reasons why Brokers take awhile to get back to potential Buyer & to other Brokers and Agents if they are cooperating on the listing. Broker's reasons include: unprofessionalism, too busy, the listing is no longer available, the buyer doesn't sound viable, etc. We discuss them all.

How Long Is A Standard Non-Compete Agreement?

For those who don't know, a non-compete agreement is a contract between a buyer and seller of a business, which after the sale, prohibits the seller from engaging in direct competition with the business they previously sold. Joe Ranieri (Business Broker) adds this topic to a BizBen Discussion Post.

What Mistakes Should Serious Business Buyers Avoid?

Every day I speak to business brokers, business owner/sellers and I hear some pretty amazing stories about potential buyers of small businesses. I tend to ask them what buyer traits do you listen for to see of a potential buyer is serious? What traits or buyer actions are "deal killers"?

Should A Buyer Be Allowed To Operate A Business Before Escrow Closes?

Business buyers, brokers, owner/sellers all ask this question at some point. So I decided to ask some of the top Intermediaries in the marketplace what they thought of the idea. Most of the ProIntermediaries on BizBen agreed with me on taking early possession before the close of escrow.

What Info And Factors Play Into A Laundromat Valuation?

However all the laundry listings are asking 4X to 5X multiple for an asking price! Is this reasonable, standard? We are are looking buy either a coin or a card laundry and want to pay a "fair" price. What factors go into valuing a laundry business these days? Multiple Advisors answer this question.

Business Broker Questionable Practices
Business Broker Questionable Practices
June 2021 Trends & Predictions: BizBen.com Monthly Report

In our BizBen.com June 2021 Monthly Report the top ProIntermediaries and ProAdvisors on BizBen offer their thoughts about the current status of the business for sale marketplace with trends and predictions for Business Buyers, Owner/Sellers, Business Brokers, Agents, Advisors in the near future.

How Much Should I Expect To Make From A Car Wash Business?

This is a hard question to answer specifically without any knowledge of the business. What kind of car wash it is (auto, self-serve, or full service)?, How many bays does the car wash have? Is there any other streams of revenue? We discuss this topic regarding car washes on this BizBen Discussion.

Pocket Listings - Vast Hidden Market Or Myth With Buyers And Sellers?

What percentage of businesses for sale that are advertised and/or sold are pocket listings? What is the best way to find out about pocket listings? Are they advertised? Are they a big part of the businesses sold marketplace? In this Discussion ProIntermediaries and ProAdvisors discuss this topic.

Selecting A Business Broker To Sell My Business: What Should I Look For?

What should your business broker do for you to successfully sell your small to mid-sized business? Well, there's many things that a qualified business broker can and should be doing for you. Multiple ProIntermediaries and ProAdvisors give suggestions and tips to sellers in this BizBen Discussion.

Buying A Gas Station: What To Look For When Doing Due Diligence

Doing due diligence when buying any type of business is extremely important. Regardless of what type of business you are buying there are certain things you will always look at such as, financials, equipment, legal issues etc. We take a look at several angles for optimal gas station due diligence.

Buying A Self-Serve Car Wash Business: What Should My Expectations Be?

Before purchasing a car wash (quick serve or full serve) you must understand that the industry as a whole will provide you with plenty of competition. More importantly, depending on what your interests are, you will identify what type of car wash you want. We discuss this all in this Discussion.

Chuck Post Laundry Book
Chuck Post Laundry Book
Does Curb Appeal Really Help Sell A Business?

This post is essential reading for any prospective business seller. Curb appeal is critically important, not just to the amount of the final sale price, but also to whether there will be a sale at all. Top ProIntermediaries and ProAdvisors discuss this valuable topic on this BizBen.com Discussion.

What Do I Need To Disclose To A Prospective Buyer Of My Business?

When selling a small business you always run the risk of a lawsuit. They aren't as common as one may think in this litigious world in which we live in, but whenever there is money exchanging hands & attorneys involved the stage is set for a lawsuit. Various ProIntermediaries share their viewpoints.

Why Is A Small Business Sale Kept Confidential? How Is That Done?

Recently a business owner asked me on the phone, "Why do you keep the sale of a business confidential? How do you keep the sale confidential - any good tips?" Would like to hear from other Members - what would be your answer to this business owner? ProIntermediaries on BizBen discuss this topic.

Are Home Healthcare Businesses Good Investments? Future Growth?

A business buyer asks about the viability and purchase of a home health care service and about the future of this industry - Peter Siegel, MBA takes on this question with other ProIntermediaries & Advisors on BizBen regarding the home health care industry and it's future for potential buyers.

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