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What Types Of Buyers Will Be Interested In Buying My Business?

I often get asked by owners who are looking to sell their business about what type of buyers they should expect to encounter during the sales process. The answer depends on the type of business being sold, but in general there are several different types of buyers that could be encountered.

Pop Up Restaurants
Pop Up Restaurants
Escrow, Bulk Sale Closing Fees And Costs - What Do They Include?

A couple newer brokers asked me today what thy thought the escrow process costs and if there is a large variation amongst escrow or closing companies when it comes to closing fees? Multiple ProIntermediaries and ProAdvisors discuss this topic on a BizBen Discussion.

Should Sellers Give Tax Returns To Buyers
Should Sellers Give Tax Returns To Buyers
Uncooperative Brokers, Owners: Getting Tax Returns & Details Before Submitting An Offer

Many business buyers complain to me about business intermediaries not getting any financial information about the business they may be interested in purchasing. There are multiple reasons for this but I agree that financial information should be readily be available to interested buyers upfront.

Is The Inventory Amount Added To The Selling Price? Or Is It Included In The Selling Price?

Many factors determine whether inventory is included in the asking price. Among them are: the standard for that particular industry or type of business, the quality and age of the inventory, whether the inventory levels are cyclical, whether the inventory is the normal amount, etc. BizBen Discussion

Any Advice Or Best Practices When Selling A Business, Avoiding Lawsuits?

A seller just posed this question to me in a BizBen ProSell session. Any feedback for this business owner, potential seller? I would like to hear some feedback from my fellow BBNers on this topic. Make sure you're comfortable with the person with whom you are dealing.

Julieanna Wakileh Business Broker
Julieanna Wakileh Business Broker

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