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Baby Boomers And Their Effect On California Small Business Sales

Each day, more than 10,000 Baby Boomers turn 62. Around this age, Americans, many of which are small business owners, start to think about their exit strategy from the workforce. For a small business owner, the process can be complex and their decision to retire has an impact on many others.

Buying A Business Top 5 Recession Proof Small Businesses

The economy has started to repair itself since the recession. While things may never be what they were in the past, the economy and small businesses have started to gain some form of momentum again. If you are considering buying a small to mid-size business consider these recession proof businesses.

Increasing Profitability When Buying A Laundromat

Buying a Laundromat can be a great investment for an Entrepreneur. With predictable sales and cash flow, a Laundromat is an easy business to run. However, as good as the business model is, there is always room for improvement. Here are my 3 tips on increasing profitability when buying a Laundromat.

Avoid These Errors When Selling A Business

Recognizing that 70% of the California small and mid-market-sized businesses offered to buyers are never sold, and that some of the obvious reasons - over-pricing, inadequate records, insufficient lease - have been discussed in detail, it might be useful to point out lesser known problems.

Tips For Buyers Of Gas Stations

Most people who think they want to buy a gas station don't realize that finding the right business to own in this industry and determining its fair price pose more complex problems than buying a fast food franchise, retail store or most types of businesses. There are many variables to consider.

Buy Liquor Store Businesses Tips

When on your search to buy liquor store businesses, consider additional ways that you may use the location to generate additional revenue streams. Peter Siegel, MBA with BizBen.com discusses buying California liquor stores.

Should Sellers Give Tax Returns To Buyers
Should Sellers Give Tax Returns To Buyers
3 Recycling Businesses To Take A Look At

People think of recycling and think of a facility that recycles trash. While this is true a large facility is expensive to open and operate. With that said, in this post, I will focus on 3 small business opportunities in the recycling industry that are more manageable for the average entrepreneur.

Buying A Janitorial Small Business

Buyers interested in buying a janitorial cleaning business will find companies in this industry for sale that are quite profitable. Careful due diligence, including the six factors covered in this blog post, is advised before completing a deal. Peter Siegel, MBA with BizBen explores this industry.

Checklist When Selling A California Small Business

When selling a California business, owners should use our salability checklist to determine whether the effort will be successful. Ten factors must be considered to properly prepare a business for sale. Three of the factors account for more than 50% probability of achieving success in selling!

5 Tips When Selecting A Business Broker

Most owners know that when choosing a broker to help sell your business, it's good to find out about his or her background and maybe get some references of people who've worked with the professional. Before signing a listing agreement, it helps to know these extra things about the business broker.

4 Essential Facts For Coin Laundry Buyers

Many Californians want to buy a coin laundry because it's a business that doesn't require full time owner attention and because, as an all cash business, the owner is always paid before the service is provided. But there are a few misconceptions about the business and a buyer should have the facts.

How To Buy A California Motel Hotel

When you are looking to buy a motel, you must do your due diligence. As you know, not all businesses are worth what the owner is asking so it is important that you know what makes a good motel and understand how it should be priced. Here's what you need to know to choose the best motel for sale.

Escrow Services California
Escrow Services California
3 Reasons Sellers Do Not Sell Their Busiiness

With the economy in growth mode, many owners of small companies who are ready to retire or invest in another enterprise would be smart to offer their business for sale. But some insist on hanging on as owner just a little bit longer. And that might be a mistake. Three reasons people make this error.

Selling A Home Based Business

Unlike a traditional brick and mortar business, selling a home business requires more finesse on the part of the seller. You really need to do your due diligence and prepare the business to be sold in order to make it attractive to a buyer. Here are my tips to achieving a successful sale.

Buying A Bar Due Diligence Issues And Tips

A BizBen blog reader emailed me this question: "I am starting due diligence this week on buying a cocktail bar With a 48 license what should I be asking for, thinking about, watching out for? Is there a list of items I should ask for?" Peter Siegel with BizBen answers this question.

Before You Buy Gas Stations Ask These 5 Questions

Looking to buy a California gas station? Consider these five questions first before buying a gas station, saving lots of money & headaches. Peter Siegel, MBA and Founder of BizBen.com and BizBen's Top Advisor for the BizBen ProBuy and ProSell Programs discusses this topic of buying CA gas stations.

Selling Your Laundry Business

Laundromats and coin operated Laundromats are popular choices among business buyers as they often can be successfully run as an absentee run business. You need to be strategic about when you sell your Laundromat so you don't get taken to the cleaners by a buyer and so that you maximize your profits.

Buying A Towing Service Business

Entrepreneurs who think they want to buy a towing business need to have some idea of what to look for when examining businesses for sale in this industry. The assets, including tow trucks and perhaps the property where towed vehicles are stored, determine much of the value of this kind of company.

Mani Singh Business Broker
Mani Singh Business Broker
How To Buy A Business With No Money Down

In The New Economy that we are buying and selling and businesses in, finding funding can be the most challenging part of a sale. Many buyers will have limited funding and need to finance a good portion of the sale but what happens when a buyer has NO money? Peter Siegel with BizBen explains how.

Seller Financing When Selling A Business

When selling your small business, offering seller financing is a great way to help your business standout from others on the market and it is also a good strategy to consider that can help you close a sale. If you plan to offer seller financing there are a number of things you need to know.

SBA Loan News From Peter Siegel

Fees charged borrowers of SBA-backed loans to purchase or to expand small businesses will continue to be waived or reduced through the next fiscal year. The benefits were set to expire at the end of last month. SBA administrator says the move helps to support underserved small business communities.

Buying A Dental Practice

Buying a professional service business, like a dental practice, is one of the most profitable ventures you can enter into if you are considering becoming a small business owner. In this blog, Peter Siegel, MBA discusses six things you need to know about buying a successful dental practice or office.

Buying A Mailbox And Packaging Store

Californians who want to buy a mailbox and packaging store serving individuals as well as the growing market of small businesses can benefit from several profit centers as these enterprises offer a variety of services. It's a good idea to know some facts about the business before making an offer.

How Escrow Protects A Business Sales Transaction

In dealing with business sales, often times the Seller or the Buyer will ask about the use of an escrow company. The seller may say, Why can't the buyer just pay me cash or give me a cashier's check? This blog post covers why utilizing an escrow service is so important in selling a small business.

Why Deals Fail Blog Post
Why Deals Fail Blog Post
Buying A Hair Salon Tips For Buyers

There are more than 1 million hair salons in the United States! Buying a hair salon for sale can be a good investment if you find the opportunity and have the right skills to run it. Hair salon opportunities range from independent businesses of all sizes to franchises. Let's discuss this further.

Buying A Liquor Store - Does Location Really Matter?

Does Location matter when purchasing a liquor store for sale? Some experts believe that while it is still important, location is not AS important in the liquor store business as it is with other retail businesses. I think there is a case for both sides of the argument. Let's find out who is right.

Due Diligence Buying A California Winery

One of the most important steps in buying a business is doing your due diligence. When buying a California winery, there are three major areas to focus your attention during this period of research. Learn about these three factors in this BizBen blog post on wine industry due diligence for buyers.

Buying a Commercial Cleaning Franchise

If you are open to exploring the franchise opportunities available the commercial cleaning industry is an area you should consider. Commercial cleaning franchises are quickly becoming a popular choice among business buyers and here are my 6 reasons why you should consider buying one.

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