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When And How To Tell Employees When Selling A Business

Lee Petsas a Southern California business broker writes about his experiences relating to when to tell employees the business is for sale or has been sold.

Tim Cunha JD Discusses Business Valuation

Would you like to know what your business is worth? What's more, what it could be worth with a small amount of effort and investment? Business brokers have a variety of methods to determine value. Tim Cunha, JD a SF Bay Area Business Broker discusses his answers to this question about valuation.

Laundry Investments Chuck Post Explains

When investing in a laundry business, there are two methods. One is preferred, but the other is far more common. If you are considering entering into a new industry, like most now entering the laundry industry, you want to have a good understanding of both opportunities. Chuck Post explores both.

Buying A Coin Laundry

Buying a coin laundry like other types of small business purchases has its nuances. Chuck Post a laundry specialist specializing in assisting those selling and buying coin laundries shares his knowledge with coin laundry buyers and what to watch out for when searching for and buying laundromats.

How To Find The Right Southern California Coin Laundry

The coin laundry industry is nearly 50 years old and most laundries are operated by individual owners. Mike Hurrell with Golden State Laundry Systems discusses how to buy a coin laundry. Topics include financing a coin laundry, what to look for, what types of laundries are available in Southern CA.

Millennial Buyers What They Seek

First, we must define, who are the Millennials? The exact years are up for debate, but Millennials were born during approximately between 1981-1986, which today would be between 22 and 37 years of age. Joe Ranieri looks at what these buyers are looking for and what qualities they seek in businesses.

Julieanna Wakileh Business Broker
Julieanna Wakileh Business Broker
Chuck Posts New Laundry Book

Chuck Post, a leading laundry expert with over 37 years of developing laundries, retooling, and rebranding hundreds of existing laundries, tells investors how to search, find, evaluate, and do good laundry due diligence laundries for acquisition. A must read for new investors & current operators.

Emotional Side Of Selling A Business

The first broker I ever worked for said, "Every deal you have will die at least 5 times before it closes. How you handle that, will determine whether you can survive doing this for a living." As I enter my 11th year doing this, I still smile at that memory because it is as true today as it was then.

Buying A Coffee Cart Business

Californians love coffee, and many will find a way to get their "fix" though out the day. Many opt for convenience when getting their coffee, and when they are unable to make a coffee run, they will buy from a coffee cart. Joe Ranieri discusses all items related how to buy a coffee cart business.

Laundromat Due Dilegence

A laundromat needs to be thoroughly looked over before a buyer should complete an acquisition. The income is important of course but, the path forward is even more important. Chuck Post, Laundry Advisor, Due Diligence Consultant offers laundry buyers valuable advice on this BizBen blog post.

Interviewing Business Brokers

Choosing a business broker to sell your business can be crucial to the success of it selling. A broker who you have an exclusive listing agreement with, which I recommend vs. open listing, will essentially be your partner during the listing term in getting your business sold. Joe Ranieri explains.

Buying A Janitorial Business

One aspect that many customers look for in a business today and will most likely moving forward is cleanliness. Overnight cleaning will become more important as we rebuild our businesses and lives, and so janitorial businesses will most likely become essential. Joe Ranieri (Business Broker) shares.

Ralph Santos Business Broker
Ralph Santos Business Broker
Selling A Restaurant During COVID

ProIntermediary, Joe Ranieri (Business Broker) shares what buyers are looking for in this unprecedented market. COVID-19 has made curb appeal more important than ever when selling a restaurant. Sellers still have the power to attract buyers in this market with focus of a few key requirements.

Lease Factors Buying Selling Laundromats

The laundry lease is undoubtedly of the highest element of value of the laundry investment. It is critical to get and to keep your lease in line with the operating model that is intended for your laundry. Chuck Post, laundry consultant and broker covers this topic in this BizBen blog post.

Starting Or Buying Pop-Up Restaurants

For starters, a pop-up restaurant is a short-lived dining experience in a temporary location, most found in abandoned factories or warehouses, rooftops, barns, or an already existing restaurant location, so basically anywhere done legally and safely. They exist for a few days, weeks or a few months.

Liquor License Transfer Process Tips From Broker Specialist

The process for making a liquor license transfer used to take approximately 55-70 days, but now because of labor shortages and work protocols, it can be up to 3 months in California, for example. The longer an escrow is open, the greater the chance of having it fall out of escrow.

Business Buyer Mistakes Buying A Business

Often business buyers actions cause a deal to tank but they never know why. Peter Siegel with the BizBen ProBuy Program discusses what mistakes business buyers make in the search process to buy a business with some of the best business brokers and recent sellers on BizBen about this topic.

Buying A Coin Laundry With Chuck Post

Owning your own laundry business can be the most rewarding adventures one can take professionally. But for some it is a nightmare. The most common reason for this is poor awareness & poor preparation. Chuck Post, Laundry Consultant For Sellers & Buyers chats about the process of buying a laundry.

Business Broker Questionable Practices
Business Broker Questionable Practices
Buy A Business Or Start From Scratch

Some entrepreneurs believe it's better to start a business from scratch rather than buy an existing enterprise. While this may be good advice in some cases, usually it's not the best strategy. Here are five tips to help a buyer make the right decision from Peter Siegel, MBA On BizBen.

Qualifying Business Buyers

Lee Petsas, a Southern California business broker addresses how he handles potential business buyers when they request information on a business for sale listing. He gives his strategies and tips for handling and directing business buyer inquiries.

Structuring Owner Carry Notes When Selling A Business

Due to the current state of the credit markets and bank financing, seller financing when selling a California small business is more important then ever in a business sale. Lee Petsas, Southern California business broker walks us through the nuances of owner carry notes - seller financing.

Seller Mistakes Can Tank A Deal

Let's be honest, typically it takes a while (6 months to a year) to sell a business, from listing to close of escrow, and so it's common that many sellers are anxious as the close of escrow nears with a buyer. Joe Ranieri (Business Broker) examines common seller mistakes owners should stay clear of.

Buying A Laundry Watch Out For Making These Mistakes

The laundry business offers all of those rewards of business ownership, with much fewer headaches than with most other businesses. However buyer beware - Chuck Post, laundry broker and consultant covers several mistakes many first time laundry buyers commit when buying a California laundromat.

Business For Sale Purchase Agreement

A properly prepared purchase agreement is of foremost importance in any business purchase. Lee Petsas, a Southern California business broker defines what should be in a purchase agreement when buying a business.

SBA Loans Advisor
SBA Loans Advisor
Allocation Of The Purchase Price

There are a handful of key asset categories in allocating or breaking down the purchase price allocation of a business sale. The allocation is required to complete the transaction. Lee Petsas, a Southern California business broker reviews this topic in detail for buyers and sellers of businesses.

When To Sell Your Business Timing

Determining the right time to sell a private business is as much an art as a science, because there are so many factors at play and each business is unique. The timing of a business sale is critical. Christina Lazuric, CBI, Orange County Business Broker discusses this topic on this BizBen Blog post.

Restaurant Buyers Overspending

Nothing can be more exciting, and a little daunting for a new owner than finally being handed over the keys to their newly owned restaurant. Many buyers, especially those who have never been business owners before are much too eager to make the restaurant "their own". Overspending can take place.

Due Diligence When Buying A Coin Laundry

What is the extent of the buyer's obligation to investigate a business before purchasing it? Chuck Post a specialist in assisting buyers and sellers with coin laundries in California explores his views on laundry due-diligence.

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