
Maintenance Related Businesses for Sale Blog Posts

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Five Myths About Selling A Business

There are many myths associated with the process of selling a small business and some of them can actually cause deals to fall through. Don't let your sale be compromised, be aware of these common misconceptions related to the process of selling. Peter Siegel, MBA with BizBen explores this topic.

Cash Flow Is Important To Business Financing

Demonstrating sufficient cash flow to cover a business acquisition loan is key to getting a lender's approval. But buyer must be knowledgeable. Support a business acquisition loan with the target company's cash flow. And know how to determine the actual cash flow amount. Peter Siegel, MBA explains.

Business Buyer Mistakes Buying A Business

Often business buyers actions cause a deal to tank but they never know why. Peter Siegel with the BizBen ProBuy Program discusses what mistakes business buyers make in the search process to buy a business with some of the best business brokers and recent sellers on BizBen about this topic.

Purchase A Small Business With Limited Cash

Trying to purchase a business with no money down is usually a waste of time if you want a good business. But leveraging into a business with a relatively small cash down payment can often be accomplished using some of these suggested strategies in this article on buying a business with limited cash.

A Checklist For Business Buyers

The idea to have a buying a business checklist follows the adage that it's always useful to start with a plan when searching to buy a small business for sale. Peter Siegel, MBA Founder of BizBen.com and top advisor of the BizBen ProBuy Program suggests six items for all business buyers to utilize.

Back Up Offers When Buying Or Selling A Business

An often overlooked aspect of selling (or buying) a small business is taking back-up offers during the entire process of selling (or buying) a business. Most sellers (or buyers) don't realize that over fifty percent of all deals/contracts fall out escrow or contract for one reason or another.

Why Deals Fail Blog Post
Why Deals Fail Blog Post
Selecting A Business Broker

The key to finding the ideal business broker or agent and selling a small business is asking the right questions and getting the right answers back! Peter Siegel, MBA with BizBen & several top business brokers and agents in California (ProIntermediaries) contribute to this topic to assist sellers.

Business Brokerage Survey Results

The latest BizBen.com survey of Business Brokers and Agents outlined what it takes to be a top ten percent performer in the business brokerage industry. From good communication to utilizing your resources, these traits are something to take note of and put into practice to be successful.

Selling A California Business Successfully

Only 30% of all small businesses for sale that are put on the market overall are sold! A surprising statistic to most business owners, agents, and brokers trying to sell a small business! If however you follow the strategies (BizBen Protocol Method) in this blog post you should see success!

Buying An Absentee Run Small Business

Peter Siegel, MBA - BizBen.com & SBALoanAdvisors.com Founder discusses the difference between a hands on owner and an absentee owner. It covers why someone would want to be an absentee owner and then goes on to discuss the pros and cons of buying an absentee run small to mid-sized business.

Pricing A Small Business For Sale

As an Advisor On BizBen I talk to many California business owners, business buyers, brokers, and agents on a daily basis about valuing California small to mid-sized businesses. Many key factors go into this analysis including market demand, history of earnings, and even how the deal is structured.

How to Sell Your Small Business

Peter Siegel, MBA - Lead Advisor with the BizBen.com ProSell Program discusses critical steps to prepare a small to mid-sized business including: which documents will be needed, key advisors to have involved, pricing the business, and how to attract the right business buyers to your listing.

Chuck Post Laundry Book
Chuck Post Laundry Book
Unreported Cash Problems For Buyers

One of the most difficult challenges when purchasing a small business is expressed by this prospective buyer of a liquor store who is told by the seller that there is more money being made than shows up on the books. Should the buyer accept that statement by the seller & go ahead with the purchase?

Possible Lies When Buying A Business

Even without meaning to be dishonest, sellers or brokers talking to someone who wants to buy a small business often make statements that are not true. And sometimes what is said is known to be a lie. The buyer is smart to carefully evaluate what they hear - six untrue statements sometimes told.

Absentee Run Businesses Myth Or Reality?

Buyers search for an absentee business, wanting to collect profits generated by a successful enterprise without having to stand at the sales counter or cash register, without having to cook, operate equipment or talk to customers. Peter Siegel, MBA offers his intake on absentee run businesses.

Earnest Money For A Down Payment

Peter Siegel, MBA - BizBen Founder & Director of the ProBuy/ProSell Programs explores why earnest money deposits when opening escrow (and bulk sale) serve several important purposes when buying or selling a small business in California. For Buyers not offering a realistic deposit may be a problem.

Do Not Make It Hard To Buy Your Business

Successful sellers of small businesses need a game plan to sell their California small business for maximum price and for the best terms. Peter Siegel, MBA discusses these seller strategies with BizBen Blog readers based on his experience as the lead Advisor with the ProSell Program on BizBen.com.

10 Questions Buying A Business

Being an Entrepreneur has its perks, it can also be challenging. You need to make sure you're ready for the challenge. Here's a list of 10 important questions to get you started when buying a business. Peter Siegel, MBA (BizBen Founder) reviews this topic for business buyers of small businesses.

When To Sell Your Business
When To Sell Your Business
Question You Will Be Asked When Selling

When selling your small business, you'll be bombarded with questions - from the brilliant to the ridiculous. You need to be prepared. Here are some of the key questions you can expect to be asked. Tim Cunha (SF Bay Area Business Broker) reviews many of these possible questions from potential buyers.

Business Wanted Posting Best Strategy For Business Buyers

Since most people who want to acquire a business for sale spend their time and energy responding to ads, it's no wonder that a majority never find a company they want to buy. Meanwhile, proactive buyers "push" their requirements and qualifications to purchase, and attract owners ready to sell.

Telling Buyers About Unreported Income

Telling potential business buyers about unreported income could come back and bite you if not careful. It's best to be honest when dealing with business buyers but you should also highlight what's reported in the tax returns and what cash may be seen "between the lines".

Buying A Business Strategies

If you are buying a small business, you probably have really good ideas about changes you would like to implement and ideas to sell more, be more efficient and more organized. Christina Lazuric an Orange County business broker chats about business buyers and their decision making processes.

Buy A Business That Is Not For Sale

Approaching business owners directly to see if they want to sell can sometimes work well for business buyers searching to buy a small business. Another way is to broadcast your search criteria via the BizBen ProBuy Program to all brokers, agents, and intermediaries who are selling a small business.

Business Purchase Financing By Peter Siegel MBA

Looking to buy a small business? There is good news regarding business purchase financing. More financial institutions are coming back into the market with business purchase financing. After years of being selective many lenders are more open to financing deals they would not have in the past years.

Julieanna Wakileh Business Broker
Julieanna Wakileh Business Broker
Top 5 Industries Of The Future For Business Buyers

To be successful in buying a small business you must be able to look objectively at the company and determine whether or not it is a business that will be able to grow into the future. The key to long term survival is when a business is able to change and grow along with the needs of their consumer.

What Type Of Business Seller Are You

If you are planning to offer your small business for sale, you ought to learn about your chances of succeeding. The probability of making a sale depends largely on which of seven seller types describes you. Use this self-test to find out what kind of seller you are and determine if you'll succeed.

Business Broker Coop Issues

Despite challenges in the business for sale marketplace, some of the brokers who make a living by facilitating a deal between buyer and seller are known to stand in the way of a completed transaction because of some outdated ideas. Too bad they put greed ahead of the needs of their clients.

Business Broker Dirty Tricks

Lee Petsas (Southern California Business Broker) shares his concerns regarding some questionable business practices by some California Business Brokers lately. Other Business Brokers and Advisors weigh in as well on this BizBen Blog post with other "dirty tricks" they have observed and heard about.

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