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Business Purchase Financing By Peter Siegel MBA

Looking to buy a small business? There is good news regarding business purchase financing. More financial institutions are coming back into the market with business purchase financing. After years of being selective many lenders are more open to financing deals they would not have in the past years.

Top 5 Industries Of The Future For Business Buyers

To be successful in buying a small business you must be able to look objectively at the company and determine whether or not it is a business that will be able to grow into the future. The key to long term survival is when a business is able to change and grow along with the needs of their consumer.

What Type Of Business Seller Are You

If you are planning to offer your small business for sale, you ought to learn about your chances of succeeding. The probability of making a sale depends largely on which of seven seller types describes you. Use this self-test to find out what kind of seller you are and determine if you'll succeed.

Business Broker Coop Issues

Despite challenges in the business for sale marketplace, some of the brokers who make a living by facilitating a deal between buyer and seller are known to stand in the way of a completed transaction because of some outdated ideas. Too bad they put greed ahead of the needs of their clients.

Uncover Hidden Problems In Due Diligence

Most everyone who's decided to buy a small business in California knows the importance of due diligence. That involves close examination of a business prior to removing contingencies. But not everyone knows how to uncover problems that are not obvious. Here are five of the most common hidden issues.

Selling Your Business To One Of Your Employees

After investing years of time and talent into a company, many small business owners want to feel like they are leaving their business in good hands and for that reason, some sellers opt to sell their business to an employee. Let's talk about the pros and cons to taking this route.

Laundry Trends Chuck Post
Laundry Trends Chuck Post
Using Retirement Plan Funds To Buy A Business

To understand the pros and cons of diverting funds from your retirement funds towards the purchase of a business, it is first necessary to brush up on some investment basics. Before approaching the issue of using retirement funds to buy a business, let's take a quick look at stocks and bonds.

Getting Business Brokers & Owners To Return Your Calls, Emails, Texts

You've found your dream business. You've called/emailed/texted the broker or owner; you've tried to reach out again via phone/email/text. However you're not getting a response and it's getting frustrating. How to get brokers/owners to return your calls/emails/texts - what key strategies to utilize.

Interpreting Reported Earnings

Peter Siegel, MBA Founder of BizBen and the BizBen ProBuy, ProSell Programs discusses interpreting reported earnings from sellers through tax returns, financial statements and other means when buying a small to mid-sized California small business.

Selling Your Business Note

There are companies who specialize in purchasing Business Notes (of course at a discount). You can sell all or part of your note. Peter Siegel, MBA BizBen Founder and ProBuy & ProSell Lead discusses this entire process in his latest article on selling your business note after you sell your business.

How Do I Sell My Business Without Getting Sued

A question sellers ask: how do I sell my business without getting sued, isn't a subject just for discussions with lawyers. A seller can take some precautions to reduce potential legal problems. Peter Siegel, MBA Founder Of BizBen and BizBen.com's ProBuy and ProSell Programs discusses this topic.

Seller Financing 3 Items To Consider

The idea to buy a business with seller financing is clearly understood by most people whose career move is to purchase their own company. But not everyone knows how to structure a deal with the seller carrying back part of the price. Be prepared for three situations when negotiating your purchase.

Back Up Offers Crucial When Buying Or Selling
Back Up Offers Crucial When Buying Or Selling
Mistakes When Selling Your Business

Avoiding the obvious mistakes when selling a small business is important if you want to sell your business. Peter Siegel, Director of BizBen and the BizBen ProSell Program discusses what fatal mistakes business owners should avoid when selling their small to mid-sized California business.

Baby Boomers And Their Effect On California Small Business Sales

Each day, more than 10,000 Baby Boomers turn 62. Around this age, Americans, many of which are small business owners, start to think about their exit strategy from the workforce. For a small business owner, the process can be complex and their decision to retire has an impact on many others.

Buying A Business Top 5 Recession Proof Small Businesses

The economy has started to repair itself since the recession. While things may never be what they were in the past, the economy and small businesses have started to gain some form of momentum again. If you are considering buying a small to mid-size business consider these recession proof businesses.

Avoid These Errors When Selling A Business

Recognizing that 70% of the California small and mid-market-sized businesses offered to buyers are never sold, and that some of the obvious reasons - over-pricing, inadequate records, insufficient lease - have been discussed in detail, it might be useful to point out lesser known problems.

Checklist When Selling A California Small Business

When selling a California business, owners should use our salability checklist to determine whether the effort will be successful. Ten factors must be considered to properly prepare a business for sale. Three of the factors account for more than 50% probability of achieving success in selling!

5 Tips When Selecting A Business Broker

Most owners know that when choosing a broker to help sell your business, it's good to find out about his or her background and maybe get some references of people who've worked with the professional. Before signing a listing agreement, it helps to know these extra things about the business broker.

Chuck Post Webinar
Chuck Post Webinar
3 Reasons Sellers Do Not Sell Their Busiiness

With the economy in growth mode, many owners of small companies who are ready to retire or invest in another enterprise would be smart to offer their business for sale. But some insist on hanging on as owner just a little bit longer. And that might be a mistake. Three reasons people make this error.

Selling A Home Based Business

Unlike a traditional brick and mortar business, selling a home business requires more finesse on the part of the seller. You really need to do your due diligence and prepare the business to be sold in order to make it attractive to a buyer. Here are my tips to achieving a successful sale.

How To Buy A Business With No Money Down

In The New Economy that we are buying and selling and businesses in, finding funding can be the most challenging part of a sale. Many buyers will have limited funding and need to finance a good portion of the sale but what happens when a buyer has NO money? Peter Siegel with BizBen explains how.

Seller Financing When Selling A Business

When selling your small business, offering seller financing is a great way to help your business standout from others on the market and it is also a good strategy to consider that can help you close a sale. If you plan to offer seller financing there are a number of things you need to know.

SBA Loan News From Peter Siegel

Fees charged borrowers of SBA-backed loans to purchase or to expand small businesses will continue to be waived or reduced through the next fiscal year. The benefits were set to expire at the end of last month. SBA administrator says the move helps to support underserved small business communities.

How Escrow Protects A Business Sales Transaction

In dealing with business sales, often times the Seller or the Buyer will ask about the use of an escrow company. The seller may say, Why can't the buyer just pay me cash or give me a cashier's check? This blog post covers why utilizing an escrow service is so important in selling a small business.

Joey Kim Business Broker
Joey Kim Business Broker
Buying A Business Commercial Real Estate

When buying a business you may also have the option to buy the building it occupies. There are advantages and disadvantages to owning commercial property. In order to determine whether or not you should buy the property that comes with a business purchase, here are a few questions to ask yourself.

10 Things to Investigate When Buying A Business

Buying a California business involves reviewing due diligence checklists so buyers can learn enough to determine whether to proceed with a deal. Here's a due diligence checklist of the items a buyer should request for review, and sellers should plan to make available for a serious purchaser.

Smog Check Service

Ensuring your vehicle undergoes regular smog check services is not only a personal responsibility but also contributes significantly to environmental protection. Recognizing the importance of smog check services opens up potential business opportunities in the thriving smog check industry.

Liquor Store for Sale in U.S.

Embarking on the venture of acquiring a liquor store is a journey rife with potential, a symphony of business acumen and the intoxicating allure of entrepreneurship.

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